
Global Christian Adventure

Global AdventureI have now set up a new website at, relating to a Course, a Book and a Trip. The Course will be run on three successive Wednesday evenings in September at Syndal Baptist Church, Melbourne, Australia. It’s about the new global rules of engagement for fully committed followers of Jesus. The first week we’ll be asking, “Who are all these people living in the world?”. The second week we’ll be talking about poverty, disease and corruption. The third week we’ll be investigating, “How does the Good News spread?”

The Book is something that I’ve written to provide resource materials for the course. In addition to covering the three topics from the course, it has chapters on Islam, Atheism, Understanding and Influencing our Culture, and the New Global Rules of Engagement. A sample chapter is available for download from the website. The book is due to arrive from the printer towards the end of next week.

The Trip is a 3-week visit to Kenya and Uganda leaving from Melbourne straight after Christmas this year. We’ll be visiting the Dagoretti Corner Baptist Church in the slums in Nairobi (which I visit every year), and we’ll also be helping to build a school/church building in Kaberamaido District, Uganda. This is in an area where poverty has been caused by frequent looting and depredations at the hands of militia. If you’re interested, download the further information from the website and get in contact as soon as possible.