
Launching new churches

RocketI have been talking a bit about church planting this week, so it’s appropriate to review one of the most interesting books around which relates to starting new churches – Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch, by Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas. The authors of this very practical book are senior pastor and teaching pastor of The Journey Church in New York, a church which was launched in 2002.

Searcy and Kerrick advocate ‘launching’ a church, rather than planting. Planting is slow and painful work. Launching involves starting as big as possible as soon as possible. The model of launching which they advocate is not likely to win the approval of ‘postmodern’ or ‘emerging church’ practitioners. It’s a more conventional style of church, not specifically designed to reach people who are furthest from God. Prior to the ‘launch’, the authors recommend holding a few monthly ‘preview’ services to build up numbers. There is certainly much to be said for the credibility and momentum which comes from having a sizeable congregation right from the start.

There are plenty of other features to enjoy about the book. One of the best is some of the unconventional reviews: ‘This book will help you grow a great church like Willow Creek or Saddleback. Only with less people and far less impact.’ ‘Just like Andy Stanley without the intelligent ideas or clear presentation.’