
Striking a blow against greed

Striking a blowKenya’s post election violence earlier this year was resolved by creating a “Grand Coalition” government, incorporating numerous people from various different political and ethnic groupings. Peace was achieved, but the expanded Cabinet, which included a large number of extra ministers, resulted in a very significant increase in the costs of government, particularly with regard to salaries and allowances.

It was not surprising, then, that there was plenty of debate over a recent proposal to pay the wives of the vice-president and prime minister allowances for fulfilling their roles as spouses of those high-ranking government officials. The amount of the allowances was equivalent to approximately $80,000 per year, in a country where many of the people have annual incomes under $500.

Fortunately, both Mrs Ida Odinga, the prime minister’s wife, and Mrs Pauline Kalonzo, the vice president’s wife, have shown restraint and good leadership, at a time when good leadership is sorely needed. Mrs Odinga sent a note to the head of Civil Service thanking him for the offer of a stipend but declining the offer on the ground that he work could not be measured in monetary terms. Mrs Kalonzo has accepted the allowance on condition that it be paid to charities and to assist people living in poverty. An annual independent audit will occur to ensure transparency in the use of the money by the beneficiary organisations.