
Ways the world could accidentally end

Disposable EarthWhat are the ten most likely causes of a catastrophic end of the world? Stephen Petranek, former editor in chief of Discover magazine, listed his top ten when he spoke at a TED conference in February 2002. Number 10 is losing the will to survive. Depression is the biggest epidemic that humans have ever faced. Number 9 is an alien invasion. Recent astronomical discoveries suggest that there are billions of earth-like planets in the universe. Petranek says that this makes it likely that advanced civilisations exist in the universe; I can’t say I agree with his reasoning.

Number 8 is a collapse of the ecosystem. In recent years species have been dying out at increasing rates. Number 7 is a particle accelerator mishap. A particle accelerator experiment could set off a chain reaction which destroys the world. Number 6 is a biotechnology disaster. Biotechnology could create superweeds and superpests which could destroy the world’s food supplies. Number 5 is reversal of the earth’s magnetic field. During the reversal process for a period of around 100 years, the earth’s magnetic field would stop protecting us from cosmic radiation.

Number 4 is giant solar flares. Other stars like the sun often have flares which are millions of times greater than those which the sun has produced so far. Number 3 is a new global epidemic. In the past plagues like the bubonic plague and influenza have wiped out a significant proportion of humanity. Number 2 is a rogue black hole. Number 1 is a large asteroid striking the earth. Small asteroids strike the earth about every 100 years with devastating effect.