
Jesus’ plan for discipleship

Most of the large numbers of books on discipleship available today attempt to describe what a disciple looks like, whereas very few describe how to actually make disciples, according to Lance Ford in his book With Me: Relational Essentials for a Discipleship Ethos. Jesus’ system was and is a “follow me” system, in which people who are incarnating the Word of God invite others “to live alongside them as they work out their own salvation”.

The “follow me” idea is intimidating, because every Christian is aware of his or her own imperfections. It may be more helpful to think of discipleship as a “follow with me” experience, a kind of mentoring process. Examples of discipleship-type mentoring relationships from the Bible include Eli and Samuel, Elijah and Elisha, Moses and Joshua, Barnabas and Paul, and Paul and Timothy.

Jesus’ discipleship plan was to let a handful of people share his life. His strategy was to invite followers to have a go at the work of serving others. The training consisted more of practical work experience and conversations than of reading books or listening to lectures. His disciples were put into situations which stretched and expanded their faith, while exposing their weaknesses.

According to the author, churches need to adopt discipling relationships rather than discipling programs. The following objectives need to be kept in mind:

  • Invite others thoughtfully and prayerfully
  • Look for the hungry ones
  • Help them discover their gifting
  • Let them go

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