
New ways of telling your story

Branding“Reaching the next generation isn’t about political power; it’s about branding power. It’s not about what we’re against; it’s about what we’re for. It’s not about changing the culture from the outside; it’s about changing the culture from the inside.” That’s what Phil Cooke says in his book Branding Faith: Why Some Churches and Non-Profits Impact Culture and Others Don’t, in my opinion perhaps the most important Christian book to have been published so far this year.

Phil Cooke is a filmmaker and media consultant, with a PhD in theology. His book is the most compelling answer that I have read so far to the question, “How can churches most effectively communicate with outsiders within today’s cultural context?” The book, whilst acknowledging the dark side of branding and the negative perceptions associated with marketing, demonstrates how telling your story is an exercise in branding. A branding exercise involves asking the questions: Why are you doing this? Who are you? What are your gifts and talents? What makes you different? The answers to these questions provide the key to creating your unique voice.

Branding, according to the author, is about creating and maintaining trust. It is not about attempting to run a church like a business; businesses exist to make money whereas churches exist to communicate the Good News. However, every communication that a church makes, whether through printed materials, verbal interactions or building design, contributes positively or negatively to the church’s brand. Branding is vital, because the effectiveness of a church’s communications depend not on the content itself but on the hearer’s perception of what is being communicated.

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