
The principles and promises of Jesus

Less than three weeks remain before this year’s election for president of the United States of America, so it is timely to ask what Jesus would do if he were standing for president. Randy Frazee addresses that question in his book Christ for President. Of course, Jesus would not want to be president any more than he wanted to be king or emperor; but it is still instructive to consider what his position would be on some of the issues addressed by the presidential candidates.

In this short ebook, the author addresses four such issues:

  • Bill of Rights: In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female; we are heirs according to the promise.
  • Medicare: The followers of Jesus are called to get involved in the lives and hurts of others; we can receive healing from the consequences of sin through the death of Jesus on the cross.
  • Social Security: Jesus has a social security plan in which the church looks after widows and orphans, racial barriers are torn down, and rich and poor, slave and free, sit together as equal citizens and heirs of God’s kingdom.
  • Constitution: Jesus gives us the Great Commission, to go and make disciples of all nations.

The ebook is one in the series published by Exponential to assist church planters. The connection between the content of this book and church planting is more tenuous than for most of the books; it is really a repurposed series of four sermons on a theme which is topical but is not directly relevant to church planting. Nonetheless it is an interesting and quick read.

The ebook is available for free download at