
Peace at last in Kenya?

Extract from cartoon by Gado published in Daily Nation 2 March 2008Peace at last seems to be on the horizon in Kenya. Last Thursday the rival contenders for the Kenyan presidency signed a political agreement brokered by Kofi Annan, which, it is hoped, will bring an end to the post-election violence. However, the damage and trauma which have already been caused will take a long time to heal. Friends from Nairobi report as follows:

The Rift Valley that has been the bread basket of the country (maize meal) was in most parts burnt. It is estimated there will be serious famine. There is onset of Malaria and other related diseases in camps that have not forcefully been closed down by government. In the slums some households still remain threatened with marks (X) on their door frame for hit squads to attack at appropriate times; ours was marked but we reported to the police who told us to wipe it out. Many new families have moved into the slums of Nairobi from various parts of the countryside due to eviction. The condition in Kibera remains tense in that there are some Luos who chased tenants and landlords of Kikuyu origin illegally occupying their houses. Police and the authorities are preparing to storm and arrest those occupying such houses. Apparently they are posed to fight.

“The peace agreement was a landmark for Kenyan citizens. People have begun to return to places of work and the church. The Pastor who was shot in the chest in the presence of his wife and children is still in a coma at Agha Khan Hospital and no visitors are allowed as yet to see him! The cost of living has gone up by 30%. Pray for us as peace returns.”