
Key lessons for church leaders

We need seminary professors and the academic education they give us, but we also need insights and wisdom on leadership and relationships, emotional survival, communication, hiring and firing, sexual fences, our struggle with envying the pastor across town, principles about money and time, decision making and church growth, according to James Emery White in his book What They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary: 25 Lessons for Successful Ministry in Your Church.

The numerous topics which the book covers include:

  • When choosing a new staff member or volunteer, look for character, competence, catalytic behaviour, chemistry and calling
  • You must teach on money in a comprehensive way, not just continually urging people to give
  • Envy of, and competition with, other churches is a form of rabies of the heart
  • The church, if left to itself, will become inward-looking and grow old; leadership energy is required to keep things young
  • If you are contemplating hiring someone, pick up the phone first and get some references
  • Ministry is spiritually hazardous to your soul
  • Church structure is a key dynamic of effective church ministry

Much of the author’s thinking has been inspired by Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, Ed Young and other prominent church leaders. This is not in my opinion a bad thing, as churches can become more effective by borrowing the best ideas from others, but, as the author warns, there is a danger in mimicry and continually chasing the “next next thing”; each church must find its own unique calling. There is a lot of very valuable information for church leaders in this book, which I highly recommend.