
Dramatically more effective churches

Engaged ChurchWhile most churches in Australia and the US are declining in numbers and flagging in enthusiasm, a small number seem to be filled with life and new growth. Albert Winseman, in his book Growing an Engaged Church, describes the key contributing factors to a lively church, as identified in research conducted by the Gallup Organization, perhaps America’s best-known market research company.

According to the author, the best strategies for improving the level of “engagement” in a church are clarifying the expectations of membership, helping members to discover what they do best, and creating small groups. People are more likely to be committed if they understand clearly what is expected of them. They are likely to be more committed if they are given opportunities to do what they do best, rather than being asked to fill roles which they find demotivating. Other important factors are receiving recognition, being cared about as a person, being consulted on important decisions, having close friends in the church, and having opportunities to grow spiritually.

The 12 items defining “engagement” of church members are really just a rehash of the 12 items defining “engagement” of an employee as set out in earlier Gallup publications such as First, Break All the Rules by Buckingham and Coffman. Also, the book is made to look longer than it is by using a large type size and a lot of space between lines. Nonetheless, the central messages seem to be sound, and the book is well worth the read for church leaders.