
Experience poverty for yourself

PlungeThe vast majority of Australians and Americans mistakenly assume that everyone else in the world is just like them, simply because they have never had the opportunity to experience life from within the mindset of someone who lives in completely different circumstances. Plunge2Poverty: An Intensive Poverty Simulation Experience by Jimmy and Janet Dorrell is a book which explains how to run a 3-day poverty simulation, so that participants can really come to terms with what life is like for people living in poverty.

The book flows from the experience of the authors in running poverty simulations at Mission Waco in Texas for over 20 years. It provides step-by-step instructions for running a poverty simulation particularly suitable for older teens and young adults, giving the participants just a taste of the discomforts, hunger, indignities and injustices suffered by the poor and homeless as part of their daily lives.

Nearly all participants in the Plunge2Poverty experience find that it significantly enhances their understanding of poverty and other cultures, and a smaller but significant number of participants find it to be a life-changing experience. Some of the statistical information in the book is a little out of date and would be best updated before running a poverty simulation, and some adjustment would be required for Australian participants, but I highly recommend both the book and the simulation.