
How churches really grow

There are plenty of books that explain the benefits and challenges of starting new churches and different techniques which can be used, sometimes in great detail, but until now I have not found any that answers my most pressing question: where, if the new church is “successful”, will all the people come from? Ben Arment answers that question in his amazingly helpful book Church in the Making: What Makes or Breaks a New Church Before It Starts.

Frustratingly, most leaders of “successful” churches are unable to articulate the reasons why people are flocking to their churches, other than by saying “God is just blessing us.” Successful churches normally have great preaching and high quality music, but those things do not guarantee success, and many churches are successful without them. Some experts advocate conducting community surveys, while others advocate community service outreach activities; these techniques can be helpful, but they do not explain why people come to church.

The reasons for church success have to do with the spiritual fertility of the “soil” in which the church is planted, methods of cultivation, tapping into social networks, and creating and sustaining momentum. You will need to read the book to find out how these factors work together. As a former professional copywriter, the author has an attractive writing style, and the book displays a significant depth of insight. I highly recommend it to any church leader who wishes to be more effective in reaching his or her local community.

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