
Surprising facts about grace

naked-gospelI like to read a book that challenges common assumptions and demonstrates that the truth might be something different from what most people say it is. Andrew Farley’s book The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church fits into this category. Early in the book there is the “Naked Gospel Quiz” (also available on the author’s website), which most Christians will find difficult to answer correctly.

The quiz sets the scene for the rest of the book: clearing up misconceptions about the nature of grace and the things which Christians are required to do. The Naked Gospel – in which Christ has already done everything for us – provides freedom from the old life in which we had to do things to earn God’s favour. In principle most Christians agree with this, but in practice they feel duty-bound to tithe, follow the ten commandments, go to church on Sundays and follow other religious practices.

The book should provide good inspiration for a sermon series, because of the surprising answers it gives to the questions it raises. I was not entirely comfortable with all of the assertions made – such as the statement that the Sermon on the Mount was delivered before Christ’s atoning sacrifice so Christians are not bound by the “rules” Jesus laid down. However, I enjoyed reading the book and I recommend it to others.