
Making Music for God

OrganistMany well-known composers have composed music with Christian titles or themes, but it is often hard to discern whether the work springs from a deeply-rooted personal faith or a mere compliance with the cultural expectations of the times. One famous composer who was undoubtedly a seriously committed Christian was Johann Sebastian Bach.

Sometimes referred to as the “Fifth Evangelist”, Bach was a theologian as well as a musician. His compositions were an expression of his faith in a musical form. Many were designed to preach the gospel in a form which was readily understandable to the listeners.

Whilst some people consider Bach to be the greatest composer in the history of western music, his most enduring music was written while he was employed as a church organist at Leipzig, where the people did not appreciate his music, considering it to be old-fashioned. 202 of the cantatas which he wrote in this setting have survived. It was not until 1829, almost 80 years after his death, that the quality of Bach’s work became widely recognised.