
There is no security on earth

No securityWe do everything we can to shield ourselves from the harsh realities of life, and live in a virtual world. We live in climate-controlled houses. Much of what we see and hear on a daily basis comes from television and computer screens, enabling us to experience, however vicariously, the fantasy of living other people’s lives. Our access to vast quantities of information enables us to tune out what we don’t want to hear and listen only to the news that we like.

Everything around us gives the illusion of comfort and security. Our houses seem so solid. Our wealth is invested in financial institutions which seem so reliable. Our food and water resources are so abundant that it appears they could never run out. Threats of war on our own territory seem to have disappeared into the distant past. It is only occasionally that external realities break into our virtual world, such as when there is a terrorist attack close to home, or when a hurricane strikes or when the global money markets are in meltdown.

In Mark chapter 13, when people were admiring the solidity of the Temple, Jesus had to break the news that the temple would soon be demolished. No matter how solid and unchanging things appear to be, there is nothing permanent on earth, and we must avoid falling in love with earthly structures, because we can’t take them with us when we go. The only true permanence and security that you can find is the security offered by the kingdom of God, which endures forever. The problem is that it seems from our point of view to be much less permanent and much more fragile than the eathly structures which we see every day.