
Eating with tax collectors

Eating with tax collectorsThe gospels are filled with stories and statements which must be very uncomfortable for typical church-goers today if they really read and understand them. Jesus hung around with tax collectors and sinners, and the Pharisees criticised him for it. How many church-goers nowadays hang around with tax collectors and sinners? And when they do, who are the modern-day Pharisees who criticise them for it?

It’s difficult to escape the conclusion that the biggest critics of those who are truly involved in Jesus’s mission are in fact people inside the church. It seems bizarre, but the biggest obstacle to the work of the church is provided by internal saboteurs. Jesus said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor; sick people do.” Why is it that so many people who are supposed to be “doctors” stay as far as possible away from the “sick” people for fear of contagion?

Jesus went on to say, “You need to learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” Mercy is something that requires action; the believer has to go and serve people who are in need. Sacrifice is a religious ritual which can be done within the safe confines of a sacred gathering, with no fear of danger, embarrassment, or criticism by others. Why does the church in the West seem to be marching slowly these days? Too many internal critics performing sacrifices; not enough doctors visiting the sick.