
Enduring the hard times

Life with Jesus is not always fun and easy. The problem is that many people are opposed to the gospel, and those who follow Jesus should expect persecution. This does not mean that we should go out of our way to attract persecution by being obnoxious, but it does mean that if we are faithful to Jesus in public as well as in private, we can expect opposition. As Paul said in the third chapter of his second letter to Timothy:

Yes, everyone who wants to live a godly life trusting in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Evil people and cheats will grow increasingly worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must keep going with the things which you have learnt and become convinced about, knowing who you have learned them from. From infancy, you have known the holy writings which can give you wisdom to receive salvation through believing in Christ Jesus.

Life with Jesus is usually more a marathon than a sprint. Good things will happen to you as your discipleship progresses, and bad things will happen to you. Both the good things and the bad things can cause you to draw closer to Jesus or move further away from him, depending on the decisions you make when each incident occurs. The goal for disciples is to let everything that happens draw us closer.