
Modern day idol worship

In developed countries, wooden or metal idols are largely things of the past when it comes to worship, but idols are anything which takes the place of God in our lives. For some people, material possessions are idols. For some people, another person or even a dreamed-of imaginary person becomes an idol. For some people work is an idol. For some people it is fame or popularity or power or pleasure or excitement.

In chapter 10 of his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul said, “You have not faced any temptation which is not faced by other people. God is faithful, and will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. With any temptation he will provide a way out so that you can withstand it. So run away from idol worship, my dear friends.” Life is filled with tempting idols, but God gives us the power to resist them if we let him.

Humanly speaking, the temptations which we encounter in our daily lives often are too strong for us. We develop cravings and become addicts. We become enslaved by our dependencies. Our lives become ruled by our passions. The pressure to do what everyone else is doing, to fit in with what everyone else expects, is often almost overwhelming. But when you become a follower of Jesus, there is a way out of the slavery to our addictions, and God gives you the power to resist.