
Accept Other People

It seems ironic that so many Christians seem to be intolerant and judgmental when the New Testament clearly teaches followers of Jesus to be accepting. In chapter 15 of his letter to the Romans, Paul says, “We who are strong should put up with the weaknesses of the weak, and not just please ourselves. Each of us should encourage our neighbours to build them up… Accept each other, as Christ accepted us, for the glory of God.”

People are awkward and inconvenient. They are selfish, disrespecting of others, and quick to get angry. They misbehave and fight with each other. These problems are not just limited to a few people; they are endemic to the human race. Many Christians try to avoid the sinfulness of the world by separating themselves from other people, but the problem is that sinfulness taints everyone, including followers of Jesus.

The only person who really had an opportunity to separate himself from the sinfulness of others was the only person who was sinless himself, Jesus, and yet he chose voluntarily to immerse himself in the world of sinners – choosing to live with prostitutes and embezzlers – because that was the only way he could save people from their sins. Those who follow Jesus are called to accept other people, not to shun or avoid them.