
A strong and controversial message on grace

If you are in need of an unapologetic “tell it like it is” message on grace, then Brian Tome’s Free Book might be just what you are looking for. The author makes his confrontational style clear by including the word “pissed” on the first page of the first chapter, and the tone of his book suggests that his primary target audience is “manly” men who have had limited exposure to the core doctrines of Christianity.

The book’s central message is an important one: the deal that you sign up for as a follower of Jesus is real freedom, not the collection of rules and legalism that is commonly modelled. The author drinks beer, has a tattoo, and rides motorcycles without wearing a helmet. He says that freedom is about being who God designed you to be. Freedom is costly, but the price for our freedom has already been paid by God.

The book’s provocative style is both a strength (making the book entertaining) and a weakness (potentially distracting the reader from the core message). I recommend the book because it provides a much-needed corrective to the popular assumption that Christianity is about subscribing to particular conservative political views and conforming to strict patterns of behaviour. Disclosure: I received my Free Book for free from BookSneeze.