
Wanting to serve

waiterWhy were there so many volunteers when, as described in Acts chapter 6, the apostles needed some people to help serving out food to widows? Maybe it was because the privilege of serving people was a much bigger thing in those days. The seven successful applicants for the positions even got their names listed in the Bible, and they became leaders in the new church movement, ranking only behind the apostles.

Today we would expect them to be appointed “vice-presidents” or “ministry team leaders”, or even “assistant apostles” or something else indicating an elevated status. But all they got to be was waiters. What does it take to get people queuing up to become waiters? One of the unstated benefits of the position was the chance to have a part in something which was starting to change the whole course of human history. This new movement was turning the world upside down, and it brought with it upside-down values.

In this new movement, the person who served could be greater than the person who was served. In fact, someone who wanted to be big had to become small. Someone who was rich had to become poor. Someone who was strong had to become weak. If the path to leadership was through service, then a job as a waiter was a perfect introduction to the new style of leadership. It is a style of leadership which still prevails in genuine expressions of the church today.